Funan Consulting Co., Ltd Close

Our Services

We are a firm of Certified Public Accountants and we provide Audit and Assurance, All Tax related work, Advisory, Recruitment and other related services. For a quick snapshot, the services that we provide are as follows:

Our Services Highlights

  • Audit and Assurance Services

    Financial statements audits based on IFRS or any other comprehensive basis of accounting.Operational audits and assurance especially for donor funded projects such as The World Bank, ADB, AUSAID, USAID to name a few.Compliance audits especially with donor requirements.Review assurances engagements; andAgreed upon procedures engagements.

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  • Accounting Services Covering

    Bookkeeping outsourcing where Funan will maintain the day to day accounts and prepare monthly financial statements for the senior management;Closing of the monthly accounts and the preparation of the monthly financial statements for the senior management of the organisation. This will also include and cover the analysis of the financial statements with a variance analysis and commentary for ease of interpretation;Review of financial statements (CIFRS and CIFRS for SMEs);Preparation of financial statements (CIFRS and CIFRS for SME);Set up accounting policies and internal controls for newly established organisationsIFRS Conversions; andFinancial strategy and budgetary planning.

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  • Financial Management

    Finance process excellence;Finance systems; Financial modeling;Financial, Tax and Legal due diligence; andWorking capital analysis and advice or working capital and financial resources improvements.

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  • Business Consultancy

    Company registration with the Ministry of Commerce. We will take care of all aspects including documentation and obtain the business registration. After it\'s expiry, we will renew that registration when renewal is needed. We will also assist with the preparation and submission of the Annual Certificate of Declaration to the Ministry of Commerce, which is due at the end of each calendar year;Registration with the General Department of Taxation within 14 days after obtaining the business registration from the Ministry of Commerce. We will assist in this registration and obtain the Patent Certificate and Value Added Tax registration. We can also assist in the annual application and obtain the Patent Certificate which is required annually;Registration of the new organisation with the Ministry of Labor. We can also assist in applying for the employee quota, obtaining the work book for local and expatriate employees and obtaining the annual work permit for expatriate employees; andResearch and market intelligence.

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  • Taxation

    Preparation and submission of monthly and annual tax filings;Tax compliance audits and review;Tax advisory to maximize tax benefits for new organisations and specific projects; andTax dispute resolutions where we will represent organisations as their tax agent. We are registered with the General Department of Taxation

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  • HR Consulting and Recruitment

    HR Consulting and Recruitment. We will assist in salary surveys, head hunting and recruitment of staff, both local and expatriate and also ensure that the organisation\'s HR rules and regulations comply with the Cambodian Labor Law.

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  • IT and HR Advisory

    This includes set up of the accounting system and internal controls and HR management system.

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  • Providing professional advice on contractual issues

    Providing professional advice on contractual issues: construction issues and contracts, land acquisition, company acquisitions and mergers, partnership issues and drafting documentation.

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  • Specific Training Courses

    Specific training courses tailored to the organisations needs. The coverage of the training is related to hard and soft skills to meet the client’s needs. The details are as follows:Labor Law Training:A. The Implication of Employment Contract: Fixed Duration Contract and Unfixed Duration Contract (Legal and Illegal Termination and Its compensation)-2 Days TrainingB. The Calculation Method Based on Labour Law (2 Days Training)C. Trade Union & Shop Steward (How to deal effectively)—2 Days TrainingSoft Skills:A. Supervisory and People Management Skills – 2 Days TrainingB. How to Master the Presentation and Public Speaking Skills – 2 Days TrainingC. Emotional Intelligence for Leaders – 2 Days TrainingD. How to Effective Manager – 2 Days TrainingE. How to Lead Business Association Effectively – 2 Days TrainingF. How To Break the Team – 2 Days TrainingG. How to Fail the Communication at Workplace – 2 Days Training

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  • Providing professional advice on Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Office 365

    Information Technology Services in terms of Navision software promotion. Navision is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. Microsoft Dynamics NAV is multi-language, multi-currency business management solution that helps small and mid-size companies worldwide manage their accounting and finances, supply chain, and operations. Start with what you need now, and easily adapt as your business needs change. In the Microsoft cloud or on your servers—the choice is yours.

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